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Collect all of your Royalties
Free Resources
Co-Writer's Split Sheet.docx
Artist-Budget Spreadsheet.xlsx
Artist Catalog Spreadsheet.xlsx
Have You Affiliated With a Performance Rights Organization?

Music Publishing Facts
There is $4.5 billion of unclaimed royalties waiting to be claimed.
8/10 independent artist are not reporting their music to their PRO.
All major artists are registered with ASCAP or BMI.
ASCAP and BMI do not automatically collect your royalties.
In 2020, music publishing revenue reached $4.077 Billion.
Live performance royalties are the biggest royaltie most inde artists overlook.
Many artists do not understand the music business and need help. That's what INDPENDENT ARTISTS MOVEMENT, LLC is here for.
Schedule a call with one of our managers to see how we can help you turn your dreams into goals and accomplishments.
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