Studio Cash Back
Become a member of the site to earn $6 studio cash every time you book a recording session. Use studio cash with your real money to pay for your next session.
Sign Up
Sign up as a member to start earning studio cash.
Earn Your Studio Cash
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Get 6 Studio Cash
Use Your Studio Cash
$6 off Recording Session
6 Studio Cash = $6 off the lowest priced item in cart
$12 off Recording Session
12 Studio Cash = $12 off the lowest priced item in cart
$18 off Recording Session
18 Studio Cash = $18 off the lowest priced item in cart
$24 off Recording Session
24 Studio Cash = $24 off the lowest priced item in cart
$30 off Recording Session
30 Studio Cash = $30 off the lowest priced item in cart
$36 off Recording Session
36 Studio Cash = $36 off the lowest priced item in cart
$42 off Recording Session
42 Studio Cash = $42 off the lowest priced item in cart
$48 off Recording Session
48 Studio Cash = $48 off the lowest priced item in cart
$54 off Recording Session
54 Studio Cash = $54 off the lowest priced item in cart
$60 off Recording Session
60 Studio Cash = $60 off the lowest priced item in cart
$66 off Recording Session
66 Studio Cash = $66 off the lowest priced item in cart
$72 off Recording Session
72 Studio Cash = $72 off the lowest priced item in cart
$78 off Recording Session
78 Studio Cash = $78 off the lowest priced item in cart
$84 off Recording Session
84 Studio Cash = $84 off the lowest priced item in cart
$90 off Recording Session
90 Studio Cash = $90 off the lowest priced item in cart
$96 off Recording Session
96 Studio Cash = $96 off the lowest priced item in cart
$102 off Recording Session
102 Studio Cash = $102 off the lowest priced item in cart